
Showing posts from 2009

The Space Vanguard Statement of Principles

The Space Vanguard is a society that promotes peaceful private space exploration. To effect this ideal human expansion we advocate: Spontaneous order, beneficial cooperation and mutual protection; Small government with simple, low taxes and fees; The promotion of human potential, happiness and wealth; Innovative commercial production that generates a relatively healthy and supportive environment; And attempts to peacefully cooperate with other sentient lifeforms. General Philosophy: Society can advance and grow under many different political systems but we believe that some politicians have large governments experiment on the population and deliberately create some unjustified wars which directly reduce the productive human surplus. In pop culture venacular it means that you can learn many valuable skills at a Starfleet Academy but you'll be more useful to us once you have fulfilled your legal public obligations and can now freely follow your personal moral compass.

New technologies

In order to develop cheap space travel we have to keep up with new technologies that are being invented and we have to invent some of them ourselves. There is a new field of science called Magnetronics. Electrons are small electical monopoles and carry electricity. In this article scientists discovered small magnet monopoles that carry magnetricity: And in this article scientists show that the Sun develops a magnetic portal with the Earth every eight minutes and throws a magnetic flux transference: Steve

Relational Wheel of the Elements

This is my new Relational Wheel of Elements which simply illustrates the proportional relationships between the different elements. Just click on the picture to blow it up bigger. You will notice that the Noble elements are in the vertical row starting with Helium. They have their electron shells completely filled with just the right number of electrons and that makes them compact and stable. Hydrogen is the smallest element by number of parts but its single loose electron floats around a lot and gives it a bigger atomic radius than Helium, so I put it a little farther away from the center of the wheel to denote its proportional size. Notice that the elements on the left side of the vertical noble element row want to give up their extra electrons to fit into their standard electron shells and those elements on the right side of the noble elements want to absorb more electrons in order to fill out their standard electron shells. They would each like to be just like the stable noble elem...

New Keyboard and Spelling Norms

Here is the proposed keyboard layout for Spasish with 28 letters total, including 2 new silent letters to be added onto the end of homophone words to distinguish between their different definitions. I have tried arranging the letters and punctuation marks on the keyboard for simplicity and the ease of typing. Note that with the new spelling rules that now most sounds each have their own letter, and each word has one exact pronunciation. Because of the clarity of spelling rules and the simple letter arrangement on this Spasish keyboard it should reduce errors and corrections and increase everyones typing speed. So my rough guess is that after five years of conversion over to this keyboard system it would increase the technological production of the nation's annual GDP by a ongoing 0.002% improvement by itself. These improvements will all seem minor but they are all cumulative and would make us all a little bit richer so we can eventually afford to pioneer out in space.

The Vanguard Language

English Text , 7 similar words, 147 characters Did you read that Jim wiped the dew off of John’s Clarinet and replaced the red reed? I had read that It was on his to do list because he had borrowed it and John was due to play it soon. Spasish Text , 7 distinct wurds, 149 caeracturs Did uu reed that Jim wiipd thu doeѲ of uv Jonz claerenet and reeplaasd thu red reedΦ? II had redΦ that it wus on hiz toe doe list beecos hee had borood it and Jon wus doeΦ toe plaa it soen. If you can understand the second paragraph that is written in the Spasish derivative language with exact pronunciations then you are candidate material for the Space Vanguard. I daydream about the inefficiencies in the systems we use in our daily lives and I try to think up solutions to make our standards simpler and more self-explanitory. The first problem we run into in any attempt to organize a new society is to decide which language to use. I grew up with English and am therefore naturally prejudiced in favor of it. E...