The Space Vanguard Statement of Principles

The Space Vanguard is a society that promotes peaceful private space exploration. To effect this ideal human expansion we advocate: Spontaneous order, beneficial cooperation and mutual protection; Small government with simple, low taxes and fees; The promotion of human potential, happiness and wealth; Innovative commercial production that generates a relatively healthy and supportive environment; And attempts to peacefully cooperate with other sentient lifeforms.

General Philosophy: Society can advance and grow under many different political systems but we believe that some politicians have large governments experiment on the population and deliberately create some unjustified wars which directly reduce the productive human surplus. In pop culture venacular it means that you can learn many valuable skills at a Starfleet Academy but you'll be more useful to us once you have fulfilled your legal public obligations and can now freely follow your personal moral compass.


  1. Steve,

    Thank you for your invitation to join the SIG. I belive the peaceful exploration of space is worthy goal shared by many. I have followed the space program since I heard the first Sputnik "beep-beep" on the radio. I watched the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, Skylab, and shuttle launches, and have followed the JPL robotic exploration of our planets and beyond. When I was young a half century ago, I thought that we would have cities on the moon by 2010, and that I would have a chance to at least visit there. Perhaps a good discussion point to start is what happened? We had the technology, the hardware, the trained personnel, and the know-how to land on and build on the moon. Was it lack of will? Lack of money? Or something else? And, what can and should be done differently now?

    I do not believe there is "spontaneous order." Both history, and the laws of thermodynamics have taught that human and physical systems tend to disorder. But, highly ordered human systems are quite tedious, and I think our founders got it about right when they established a "Bill of Rights" centered about individual rights, and then let what was left fall to whatever government was constructed.

    Exciting new developments are occurring now as private firms enter space tourism, heavy launch capability, advanced composite structures design, and reuse of military boosters and hardware for launches.

    This is a great time to get this discussion going.

  2. straightpath1,

    Welcome to the SIG, you have good insights. I think that the govt has bases on the moon and uses efficient antigravity ships for transport. I don't think they want to reveal this so I go forward understanding this.
    There are many good examples of evolution from Survival of the Fittest but now scientists are also finding many examples of evolution from Symbiotic Coexistance and Social Altruism. I think that in the absence of govt that most people develop systems of Spontaneous Order to trade with and protect their neighbors.
    I am equally excited about the new scientific developments and they should allow communities to produce their own energy for cheaper travel and production of goods. Let's enjoy the benefits!


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