New technologies
In order to develop cheap space travel we have to keep up with new technologies that are being invented and we have to invent some of them ourselves. There is a new field of science called Magnetronics. Electrons are small electical monopoles and carry electricity. In this article scientists discovered small magnet monopoles that carry magnetricity:
And in this article scientists show that the Sun develops a magnetic portal with the Earth every eight minutes and throws a magnetic flux transference:
And in this article scientists show that the Sun develops a magnetic portal with the Earth every eight minutes and throws a magnetic flux transference:
The three most successfull rockets today are the Proton, the Soyuz and the Arianne V. Two of the three are space race technologies, thus showing that all oldies are goodies. All three lift far more than is relevant to minute electromagnetic effects between the Earth and sun. Interesting science, but hardlely a technology.