Relational Wheel of the Elements

This is my new Relational Wheel of Elements which simply illustrates the proportional relationships between the different elements. Just click on the picture to blow it up bigger. You will notice that the Noble elements are in the vertical row starting with Helium. They have their electron shells completely filled with just the right number of electrons and that makes them compact and stable. Hydrogen is the smallest element by number of parts but its single loose electron floats around a lot and gives it a bigger atomic radius than Helium, so I put it a little farther away from the center of the wheel to denote its proportional size. Notice that the elements on the left side of the vertical noble element row want to give up their extra electrons to fit into their standard electron shells and those elements on the right side of the noble elements want to absorb more electrons in order to fill out their standard electron shells. They would each like to be just like the stable noble elem...