
Showing posts from May, 2010

The Space Vanguard Moral Code

I am not a saint by any means but I have noticed a few common moral lapses in people that generally end up causing harm, revenge, and overall lost happiness and productivity.  For example, while you should not deliberately hurt someones feelings many times people will continuously ignore the truth and tell little white lies or omit some pertinent information to try and save another person’s feelings about trivial things that cause that person to act on incorrect information and ends up causing the small initial problem being blown up into a much bigger problem. Happy people are productive people. I think that people would be happier and society would be better off if people adopted this short new moral code of conduct: Be friendly to others but remain cautious and observant because other sentient beings are not always loyal to your friendship. You should not lie. It is usually better to remain silent than to lie. People should occasionally, gently give their friends const...