Earth Pioneers
If some of you can't wait to try new living systems then I suggest that one way would be for some of you (I'm not interested) to collectively organize and buy up a couple of old destoyer ships, with the cannon removed. Then you could hitch them together with the tops of a couple of old drilling rig platforms across the bows and sterns creating a stable catamaran that could pierce through the occasional tall rogue wave. Looking for an income source to keep you going I thought about the resource of all of the plastic particles floating in the Pacific Ocean. The currents have concentrated them into a garbage pile circling some distance north of Hawaii. With filter nets you could bring this resource up on deck and feed it into a char reduction furnace to create some residual fuel oil to sell. At the same time you would being cleaning up the Earth and be living the independent life. A small test example of one is shown at: When t...